Monday, October 31, 2005

13. Geothermal Unit

The geothermal unit and ductwork was started today. I wonder if its true in what they say about geothermal. Supposedly when this thing runs it sucks heat from the core of the earth and converts it into some strange dark energy that’s transformed in a space-time continuum capacitor and then provides cool air in the summer. I’m sure I’ll have to read the instruction manual and take a physics class to turn it on.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

12. The Plumbing Rough In - Day 3

The plumbing rough in is complete. The plumbers will come in later after the cabinets are created and installed and put in the faucets and sinks. Next will be the electric. My Jacuzzi tub was brought in and me wife is ecstatic. She loves those jets and takes 6 hour baths.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

12. The Plumbing Rough In - Day 2

Today they busted out more concrete and added some more PVC pipe. As you can see they run out to the roof. It’s a mystery to me as to what these pipes real function is. I could ask the builder or someone who knows but that would take away the mystery. This is October and this is a mysterious month so I’ll ask next month. Oohh.... I got goose bumps.

12. The Plumbing Rough In - Day 1

The plumbing rough in is well, the plumbing rough in. This is where they go and find all the pipes and tubing that was put in before the concrete slab was poured. They then sometimes have to bust out the concrete to find those pipes. Fascinating stuff. I wonder if they have PVC pipe detector to help find them under the concrete because I forgot where they where buried. It was also a surprise today to see that two of my iron bathtubs where installed. They look great.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

11. Fascias And Soffits

The fascias and soffits where installed and completed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

10. Shingles Day 2

Shingle. James Shingle. "Shaken not stirred" (no idea where I'm going with that one).

Yes folks, the shingles are done. Those fellas sure did a good job. The roof is a lot steeper than it looks. I decided one day to climb on up and go for a walkabout. So I climbed up this rickety ladder made from left over scrap wood. As I climbed, it got harder and harder to move up. I slipped once and screamed like a little girl. After that I lied on my tummy and scooted on down and back the way I come up. That roof is steep.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

10. Shingles Day 1

I have shingles. Yes, that's right, shingles. Can you do the shingle dance? Cause I am! Shingle to the right. Shingle to the left. Everyone now! Any who. Two guys did this much of the house in two days. They even worked on Saturday and brought out the kids. It was a complete family affair. Although I have to admit I was a little concerned with their kids playing and bungee jumping off the side of the house. Well, I'm sure they do it all the time. It should all be done by next week.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 11

The pictures posted today are of the stairs in the garage and the bonus room above it and of our master bedroom with a pullman ceiling. I also took some photos of the back of the house. I bought a wet/dry vac today to get the water out of the house from the last rain. The weather has not been real hot so the water was not evaporating very fast so we decided to help the process along. I looked and found a vet/dry vac that allows you to hook up a water hose to it so when your vacuuming up water it can go somewhere else instead of the vac itself. I really love this vac. The water inside had no chance with the "Super Duper Sucker Upper 2000". I had so much fun that when I was done I went over to the pond next door and relocated it. I wonder if my neighbor will notice.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

9. Windows

Windows! Today was a total surprise. I was not expecting windows for a few weeks and WHAMMO I show up and they where in. They really give the house a presence and look good. The big windows in the back of the house have not been put in yet. There is still a lot of framing to do.

Monday, October 03, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 10

Once again it rained. However the amazing framing crew worked through it triumphantly and continued on and started decking the house. It just chokes me up see it progress this far. Rock on framer! Rock on!