Wednesday, January 25, 2006

25. Lights and Ceiling Fans Series 2

We bought these lights months ago. We went to every lighting store in Oklahoma City. We looked online (bad idea). You really need to see a light fixture before you buy one. We almost bought lights online and found one in the city to look at before we bought it online. One word. Horrible. We almost spent $1500 bucks on crappy lights. Lucky for us a friend told us of a place in Tulsa that has great looking lights for great prices. We took a gamble and drove all the way to Tulsa. It paid off. We came back with a carload of wonderful lights. I can just imagine myself sitting on the couch looking at my lights, smiling, thinking good thoughts, remembering my childhood running through fields of flowers (“The Hills are Alive with the Sound…”Oh sorry).

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