Thursday, December 29, 2005

21. Trim and Cabinets Series 4

Trim and Cabinets Series 4

21. Trim and Cabinets Series 3

Trim and Cabinets Series 3

Thursday, December 22, 2005

21. Trim and Cabinets Series 2

It just keeps getting better and better and we are not even done yet. The guy that is the master trim and cabinetmaker is a genius. He is the Einstein of carpentry and may even be a direct descendant of him. Now that is a bold statement I know, but this guy has some kind of mystical carpentry mastery that it has to be divinely inspired. Gives me goose bumps every time I see him.

21. Trim and Cabinets

Oh boy Oh boy, my absolute favorite part of the house. The Trim and the Cabinets! Drum roll please… Ladies and gentleman, I’m proud to announce the trim and the cabinets have started. I’m so excited that this stage of the house is progressing. The trim and the cabinets is where the house gets inside character.

I tell you now that you will be wowed and amazed when the trim and the cabinets are painted and done. I do not want you to be envious and covet it cause that will cause you to sin. Please don’t sin, as to I will have to answer to the man upstairs for building such a beautiful home that I caused you to sin by coveting. So long story even longer. DO NOT COVET my trim and cabinets. Thank you.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

20. Taping and Bedding Series 2

Taping and Bedding Series 2

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

20. Taping and Bedding Series 1

The walls have been tapped and bedded. It looks awesome.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

19. Sheet Rock

I wanna Rock! Sheet rock that is. I was in for a shock when I went to house and saw that 80 percent of it was sheet rocked. You can see the rooms for what they are with the sheet rock up. I am happy. It might even be done today.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

16. Insulation Part 2

The house is insulated on the outside walls. This is neat stuff. They just blow the insulation into the webbing. It’s kind of like stuffing a big teddy bear (comforting thoughts). There is some insulation in the interior walls but that is for sound damping so people cannot hear me snoring.

18. Brick Part 2

The brick is coming along and the bricking crew is fighting the cold weather. They are going to try to finish today because it is going to freeze tomorrow. They cannot lay mortar if it freezes otherwise they would have mortar pops and man they are not tasty. Kinda gritty and hard on the teeth.