Wednesday, September 28, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 9

The barn roof took form today and I am very happy. I was concerned that maybe it would look off but it looks great. My builder has done great job selecting a subcontractor to frame this house and they are doing a great job.

Monday, September 26, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 8

As you can see the framing of the roof continues. This house is still taking shape. The builder says that they may start decking this week. Decking is when they put the wood on top of the roof frame. When the decking is done then the shingles will go on.

Friday, September 23, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 7

Wahoo!! The roof framing was started. The shape of the house is now taking form. We are really looking forward the way the garage will look. It’s supposed to look like a barn roof when it’s done. Stay tuned more to come.

7. Framing the House - Day 6

Today the covered porches went up. These are massive covered porches. The front and back are 37 ft long. The front right covered porch by the garage is 15 ft long. I really look forward to lazing underneath one these porches either watching the sun go down or watching the kids play (Sigh…Nirvana).

Monday, September 19, 2005

8. Geothermal

Today I meet Ray the geothermal well digger guy. The geothermal unit will cool our house and provide hot water for the radiant heat in the slab. Ray told me the interesting history of well digging and all the in and outs of it. Fascinating stuff. Ray was professional and helpful and I’m thankful for him taking time out of his day to describe the process of well digging. To find out more information on geothermal and how it works, click on these links.

Geothermal Education Office (click on link)
Shaw Heating and Air (click on link)

7. Framing the House - Day 5

Rain slowed us down last week and once again the framers have taken up the metal mantel (other wise known as a hammer) and continued on their noble quest to frame my home. The roof rafters continue to be placed in the house. Sometime this week we should see some vertical movement.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 4

Here's the news folks. Its day 4 on framing and they have started the roof. These guys would make mountains of money in New Orleans. There are a lot of houses to build and as fast as they work they could retire in 6 months. I wonder if they are really super humans that where bred in a secret government laboratory.

Monday, September 12, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 3

Day 3 and the framing is moving at warp speed. Captain Kirk would be proud. I know I am. I outside sheathing was put on today and all the inside walls are in. I noticed today that the roof wood had been droped off. I wonder if the roof will start tommorrow. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 2

It's amazing how fast this framing is going. We are on day 2 and all the outside and sidewalls are almost all up. Today was great. I loved walking in each room. I designed this house and I'm very happy with the room sizes so far.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

7. Framing the House - Day 1

Finally the framing has begun after a long four weeks. We had rain and then had to wait for the electricity to be hooked up. Today I had a great time walking around the house and looking at room sizes and locations. I'm really looking forward for the rest of it going up. The builder says that it might be three weeks until the framing is completed. I will post more photos as the framing process continues.